
Showing posts from August, 2004

The longest day [was yesterday (good thing I didn't ran out of cigarrettes)]

Its 5:43 pm, I'm at ASU since 9:15 am, I just want to go home, this hasn't been my day. Started out pretty good but by the time I was done teaching and getting ready to go to my classes everything turned upside down: I haven't eaten anything since this morning. I couldn't find a place in the parking lot so I'm parked in one of those 2 hours parking lots, running every 2 hours to put more money so I don't get a ticket. Well after spilling my entire hot has hell coffee ( burned my hand and I never got to taste even a zip of it) around 3:20 pm I ran to the parking lot to put more money on the thing and it wasn't working. I didn't have enough change to get more 2 hours so I'm screwed now, probably I'm getting a big ass ticket for that, but since I just twisted my ancle I refuse to run there again and check it out... I'm just gonna wait until is 6 pm and move the car someplace else. I'm beyond tired right now, my ancle hurts,...


Tengo una pequeña gárgola sentada en mi escritorio. Venida desde Notre Dame, está ahí todo el día y toda la noche sin chistar, manteniendo su actitud contemplativa: cara sostenida por sus manos, alas quietas y cuernos des-aguzados. Entre más comparto su compañía (después de todo pasamos horas juntas: yo frente al monitor y ella a un lado) más difícil me resulta escapar al gesto de su rostro, esa mueca entre burlona y hastiada que tiene, con los ojos cansados y la lengua apenas de fuera. ¿Será ese el gesto que tarde o temprano dejarán ver las gárgolas? ¿Empezaran con gestos terroríficos, dispuestas a asustar a los malos espíritus para gradualmente llegar a eso?¿Será que han visto tanto, allá arriba, que ya nada las asombra? Hay noches en las que llego a creer que yo también soy una gárgola y veo ese mismo hastío suyo en mi reflejo. Noche tras noche miro con atención a mi pequeña observadora...creo que su lengua ha ido alargándose gradualmente... ¿Llegará el día en que la encuen...


INGREDIENTS: 1 liquid yogurt (O% Fat) 1 package of camel cigarettes 1 monster drink 1 redbull 1 energy bar (the worst the taste the better) 1 package of Trident gum (your flavor of choice) HOW TO MAKE IT: drink liquid yogurt (O% fat) in the morning smoke a cigarette right after drinking the yogurt start drinking the redbull while having a smoke wait 45 minutes and then chew 1 piece of gum after 45 more minutes lit up another cigarette (keep chewing the same piece of gum) 90 more minutes arrive at a traffic jam wait there for 1 and a half hrs smoke another cigarette and enjoy the fumes expelled by the other cars cross the border into the US, stop for gas, get the monster drink and the energy bar start driving towards Phoenix drink the monster drink and eat half the energy bar ( for better results try eating the whole thing) drive for about and hour start to feel like peeing get stuck in the road due a traffic accident miles away from the point y...