1 liquid yogurt (O% Fat)
1 liquid yogurt (O% Fat)
1 package of camel cigarettes
1 monster drink
1 redbull
1 energy bar (the worst the taste the better)
1 package of Trident gum (your flavor of choice)
drink liquid yogurt (O% fat) in the morning
smoke a cigarette right after drinking the yogurt
start drinking the redbull while having a smoke
wait 45 minutes and then chew 1 piece of gum
after 45 more minutes lit up another cigarette (keep chewing the same piece of gum)
90 more minutes arrive at a traffic jam
wait there for 1 and a half hrs
smoke another cigarette and enjoy the fumes expelled by the other cars
cross the border into the US, stop for gas, get the monster drink and the energy bar
start driving towards Phoenix
drink the monster drink and eat half the energy bar ( for better results try eating the whole thing)
drive for about and hour
start to feel like peeing
get stuck in the road due a traffic accident miles away from the point you've stoped
have another smoke and fight the urgent feeling to pee
wait for almost 40 minutes (with the sun at its best shiny moment) to start moving at regular and acceptable speeddrive
20 more minutes to get to a place where you can pee
drive nonstop until Phoenix
get home and feel how a $j9$j$%&*^$#*^%^&#* headache begins
5 hours and 4 aspirins later keep feeling it