EVERY DAY SHIT (necesito a Pepe y a Mariana)

I know you probably don't care but I just need to let this out:
one of my college's teachers is dying.
I'm so sad, she was my mentor, she's the reason why in doing my M.A on Spanish literature... the passion she showed towards literature was unique.
The only other teacher that I respected as much as I respect her was Volker, and he died a year ago.
I'm so pissed of...Volker died and now she is dying too...it's not fair, she's such a great woman...just like Volker was such a great man
What pisses me of the most (besides the fact that good teachers are the ones that died instead of the assholes ones) is that I can't see her... there's no way I can go back home soon enough to see her... I can't see her and tell her how important her classes were to me, how much I admire her.
I won't be there to say it, just like I wasn't there to say it to Volker...
I'm trying really hard not to cry as I write this but I just cant help it... I feel so lonely right now, so out of place being this sad over my teacher's illness
I wana see her and talk about school here in Arizona, talk about literature, writers... but i cant, i cant, i cant...I'm trapped here: no money and no time to travel
Shit, I bet you're reading this thinking "who cares about your teacher"... well... rach air muin thu! I FUCKING DO!!!


sylvíssima said…
But then it could happen that you need to go to the hospital, and you are waiting for your turn in the ultrasonido thing because the damned doctor is going to tell you how big that bump is and if it will need a surgery or what... so there you are thinking if this is the end and you see her there. You see the teacher Galicia is talking about, cause you know her too, cause you were her student too, cause that Quijote in your house is a present from her. And you see how different she looks, where is her beautiful black hair, where are her shiny lips? And she doesnt recognize you, or maybe she does but she doesnt want you to see her like that, waiting also for her turn but she is not sitting she is lying down on a wheeled bed...
Then, then you feel that the world is not the same you used to be in when you were in college.

sorry for sharing this and at the same time, thank you for sharing this.

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